piña vidriada michoacan

For beautiful pineapples, Tangancicuaro Michoacán!

D iversos are the reasons why we admire so much the beauty of Mexican crafts. From the materials with which they are made to the meticulous process involved in making a beautiful handcrafted piece, they are worth appreciating and admiring.

The pottery that It is carried out in the state of Michoacán is a clear example. The glazed clay pineapples of the municipality of Tangancicuaro, created by Purépechan artisans, are one of the crafts that characterize this state.
The artisanal process starts from the search for mud in the surrounding areas of the municipality, to later mix it with water to obtain the perfect consistency and begin to transform it into beautiful pieces.
Patience at the time of preparation like this As during the molding, decorating, firing and glazing as well as the great physical work that it entails, it shows us the great love and passion with which the artisans create each piece, since the entire process takes more than 24 hours of work.
This type of clay crafts differs from others, by the layer that is applied to each piece after a first firing process, which once again goes through high temperatures, achieves that crystalline finish.
All this very impressive process is part of the daily life of many families of Tangancicuaro, as is the case of the family of the artisan Juan Gutiérrez, who even after 4 generations continue to make glazed pineapples and other crafts, with great enthusiasm and above all with great pride to be able to elevate our Mexican culture through the great artisan work that it produces.
Elaboration process narrated by the artisan Juan Gutiérrez, who elaborates the pieces that you can find in the selection of our store.